In a groundbreaking event that underscores its leadership in immersive learning, the University of the Philippines Open University (UPOU) recently co-hosted the World Immersive Learning Labs (WILL) Hybrid-Pechakucha Presentations and Exhibit on March 26, 2024 as part of the WILL Symposium. This event, held both online and in the metaverse, highlighted UPOU’s commitment to innovative education and its robust collaboration with international partners. 

The exhibit can be experienced in the metaverse through this link: UPOU Metaverse Exhibit


As a pioneering institution in the field of immersive learning, UPOU has established the Immersive Open Pedagogies (IOP) program, which serves as a beacon for educational innovation in the Philippines. This program leverages cutting-edge immersive technologies to create dynamic and engaging learning environments that transcend traditional educational boundaries. 

The World Immersive Learning Labs event featured a series of Pechakucha presentations—a storytelling format where presenters show 20 slides for 20 seconds each—providing a vibrant and concise showcase of ideas and projects. The hybrid format allowed participants from around the globe to join either physically or virtually, reflecting the inclusive nature of UPOU’s educational philosophy. 

One of the highlights of the event was the collaboration with renowned international partners such as the Mixed, Augmented, and Virtual Realities for Learning Special Interest Group (MAVR) of the Japan Association for Language Teaching and Tokyo University of Foreign Studies (TUFS). These partnerships have been instrumental in advancing UPOU’s mission to integrate immersive technologies into education, fostering a global exchange of knowledge and best practices.  One of the sponsors supporting this initiative is Near Life, one of UPOU’s immersive learning partners,

in VR

The virtual exhibit in the metaverse, hosted on the FrameVR platform, offered an interactive space where attendees could explore various immersive learning projects and innovations. This virtual environment enabled participants to engage with the content in a more dynamic and participatory manner, demonstrating the potential of the metaverse as a tool for education. Some participants who attended in-person were also able to interact with other virtual participants in the immersive virtual exhibit using Meta Quest 2 devices.

Dr. Melinda dP. Bandalaria, Chancellor of UPOU, emphasized the importance of these collaborative efforts in her opening remarks. “Our partnership with MAVR and TUFS exemplifies our commitment to pioneering immersive learning experiences. Together, we are breaking down barriers and creating new opportunities for learners worldwide.” 

The World Immersive Learning Labs Symposium, together with its hybrid Pechakucha exhibit in the metaverse and the UPOU’s active role in it mark a significant milestone in the university’s journey towards enhancing educational experiences through technology. By embracing immersive learning and fostering international collaborations, UPOU continues to lead the way in transforming the educational landscape in the Philippines and beyond.

Written by Roberto B. Figueroa Jr.

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